I rarely read magazines and never read newspapers (I’m all digital, baby), thus, the lack of commentary on print advertisements in this blog. Today, I decided to pick up the one magazine I do subscribe to, Sports Illustrated, and write about the first ad I came across. To make it sporting, I grabbed an issue, closed my eyes and flipped it open. Lucky me, there was an ad on the right hand page. Maybe I should purchase a lottery ticket.
Maybe I should purchase a bottle of Patron Silver tequila, too. The advertisement is crisp and clean and practically satisfies my thirst just looking at it. I like the generous white space, the judicious distribution of the lime green color and the visual balance between the text and the bottle and glass.
A little closer look and my thirst for a taste of Patron Silver tequila begins to wane…just a smidge.
Breaking down the copy, the headline is lame and lacking in appeal. Why is a seat at the bar perfect? How is that compelling? In some establishments, that’s the last place I want to be. You get jostled, bumped and bruised and risk getting drinks spilled on you at the bar. Put me at a table or in a booth please. Even at a fine establishment. Personal preference.
I chuckle at this copy line: “Hand-selected 100% Weber blue agave.” Really? Someone hand-selected the agave? Thank goodness. Glad it wasn’t foot-selected or pelvis-selected.
The last line of text reads: “The world’s finest ultra-premium tequila.” Okay, maybe it is; who’s to argue?
Simply Perfect is the tagline and the quality and experience claim Patron is making. Everything about the product is perfect. Drink Patron Silver, and your experience will be perfect. Simply Perfect.
Underneath the tagline is the URL based on the tagline. I haven’t visited the web site or been exposed to other Patron Silver campaign elements (yea, I know it’s been running for at least five years…sorry Richards Group) so perhaps as a component of an integrated campaign, the copy and the Simply Perfect tagline work.
A study of the “photo” of the bottle and glass has me questioning if it’s an actual photo or a computer-generated visual. The rounded bottoms of the glass, the hard black lines on both sides (especially where the line intersects the lime wedge), the viscosity of the tequila and the uneven level of it in the glass, plus, the weird texture and shape of the ice suggests an artist went overboard in PhotoShop. Alas, but now I’m being nit-picky.
Educated and discerning tequila drinkers know to seek out brands with 100% de Agave on the label and it’s clearly visible. Weber blue agave is the preferred variety for the finest tequilas. Not being a tequila aficionado, I had to look that up. I found it in more than one place on the web, so it must be true. Besides, why else would Patron and The Richards Group dedicate 25% of their copy to assertion if it could be assailed?
What’s up with the green ribbon? In the context of the campaign, what does it mean? When I have a question I need answered, I go to the ultimate online authority, Wikipedia. Here’s the first sentence: “The green ribbon has been used as a symbol for many campaigns, including environmental justice, cannabis-liberation, and agriculture.” Do you doubt me? Check it out here. None of those and the laundry-list of medical, political and cultural issues in the Wikipedia article seemed like something Patron would support. I’m forced to go to the Patron web site where I find absolutely nothing about the green ribbon. Maybe the Simply Perfect campaign web site will explain the green ribbon.
Oops…guess not. So that element of the ad goes unexplained.
Is Patron Silver tequila simply perfect? Maybe. This advertisement is close to perfection, too.